"SkyTEM are proud to announce that we entered a cooperation and development agreement with ACC Innovation AB, in early 2022, as their first customer."
Did you know that SkyTEM is heavily involved in pushing the boundaries of UAV operations?
Let’s celebrate some “old” news! - of true Scandinavian collaboration.
SkyTEM are proud to announce that we entered a cooperation and development agreement with ACC Innovation AB, in early 2022, as their first customer.
Claes Drougge and Kristoffer Skovgaard Mohr finally took the time to shake hands on a beautiful autumn afternoon at DroneCenterSweden.se after having successfully conducted the first operational flight for a SkyTEM UAV survey (proof of concept).
The progress achieved in R&D project AGAVE by the awesome teams at ACC Innovation AB, Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark, EMerald Geomodelling and NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and SkyTEM is incredible and we’re looking forward to facing new challenges in 2023 and beyond!
Eureka Network, Innovation Fund Denmark
Want to be a part of SkyTEM R&D, engineering, and manufacturing? We have open positions in areas of software, firmware, electronic, and mechanical engineering. Contact us at: job@skytem.com
#job #innovation #development
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skytem_job-innovation-development-activity-7026926564382502912-nHj-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop